From Juel:
Wish I could write as Jami does, but guess you’re stuck with my style. Right now my thoughts turn to each of those whom I have had the privilege of working with. I truly did enjoy my time working with each of you and have many special memories that are near and dear to my heart. There was a lot of hard manual labor done and with each of you the tasks became almost fun.
I think we’ve all split our pants out and had to work through it. Two I particularly remember, one was Jami, at the beginning of a hot hay hauling day and the second Crystal in the same situation. I just remember that they both got lots of hay down their pants on those days, but neither shirked from their duties, embarrassed as they may have been. When it had to be done they just did it.
Becky and Esther were two of the absolute best pipe movers. They were kinda short and the barley kinda tall. But that did not faze them one bit, even when they had to carry the pipe over their heads.
Sara & Beth, many memories of them feeding in adverse weather; but with their great attitudes, they took a lot of crap in fun and never failed to give it right back with interest.
All of Ross's girls took their turn feeding calves, and I think they all drove truck for us at one time or another.
If any of you men or children want to know what made your wife or mother the wonderful strong devoted person they are. The answer in large part is growing up in Juniper. They always had it in them; they just got to exercise it. And find out exactly what they were made of in a little patch of hallowed paradise we like to call Juniper.
FYI, for anybody who has not had the privilege of splitting out their pants, it is not the hay going down your pants that is the problem... just sayin.
P.S. I swear I split my pants out every day for a week that summer... good times.
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