Friday, January 3, 2014

What's a mouses favorite game???

Hide and Squeak!!! 

From Crystal:

I was helping dad move some oat hay.  He was on the truck and I was on the stack throwing bales down to him.  Now, this was not a new stack of hay, in fact, it had been there so long now that it was totally infested with mice.  Each bale I moved sent another 10 or 15 mice scattering.  It was no surprise when I caught, out of the corner of my eye, a mouse running over my shoe.  It was a surprise, however, when I felt the pinching sensation of the little rat crawling up my right shin.  You may well believe that having a tiny ball of fur run up your legs would tickle a bit …it does not, you would be closer to the truth if you envisioned a very tiny crab in its place.  I dropped my bale and cupped my hands around my leg just below my knee and informed my father that I believed there to be a mouse in my pant leg.
“Well, do you want to drop them up there or down here?”  …we switched places; me doing a little hobble as I held my leg tight, trying to prevent the mouse from climbing any farther. 

Dad turned around giving me some privacy, but the beast was nowhere to be found.   I gave up the hunt, but just as Dad turned back around I felt the mouse nestled underneath my front left pocket.  Frustrated by this time and downright disgusted, I did not even give dad a chance to turn around again; I dropped my pants, grabbed the mouse with my now glove free hand and threw him hard.


  1. This is "dad" Crystal is kinda proper I had to talk hard to convince her that it would be ok to drop her pants in this situation but I will say she remained calm and under control. how many of us could have done the same. oh ya before throwing the mouse she shook it really hard. boy was that funny

    1. LOL... she is amazingly collected in awkward situations!

  2. haha.. very collected then their is me. I swear the mice would chase me while feeding the cows. Me running from the mice screaming was not uncommon!
