The Management
From Jami:
So, being a "girl" in the farm-world is no small thing. First off, no one thinks I belong (ask Grandpa Hurst) and secondly, no one expects me to be able to keep up and pull my own. So I am already at a disadvantage and have to prove myself an asset. I had to put forth 150% effort to be able to hang with the guys. Up until now, I have been reluctant to concede that I may have gotten
Aaron and Jim, you are gonna want to make sure you are sitting for this.
One hot summer day (I believe I was 14 going on 15) Jim, Aaron and I were loading the truck (I wanna say Old Blue, but why were there 3 of us loading Old Blue?). I may have taken a few bales from the boys (WHAT??? Ross and Dad did it to me!!!) Fed up, Jim and Aaron united in letting me know "Fine! If you think you can load the truck by yourself, do it." They both sat down and folded their arms.
I'm sure they expected me to get backed up and beg for their help... Ha! They don't know the determination of a farm girl. I was loading that truck just fine by myself.
Not too long after they sat down, Ross happened to drive by to check our progress and found two strapping 16-year-old young men sitting idly with their arms folded while one ultra determined 14-year old girl carried out the work of two grown men.
He wasn't happy.
Like at all...
What was I supposed to say? I apologized to them after Ross left...
Yeah I didn't.
I giggled and smirked as the three of us finished loading the truck. I probably didn't take their bales though...for the rest of that load...who can really remember though?