Jami and Dad
From Juel:
Sorry if this one is preachy, but it needs recorded
somewhere, so I guess this is a good a place as any.
Kammy was sick and needed some medicine from Tremonton one
morning. So, before daylight Jami and I
headed out in the van. We made it as far
as the rest area and the van started giving us troubles. Let’s see, Jami was only _?_ years old at the
time. We did manage to get the van to
the other side of the freeway (headed home side) before it died
completely. Upon discussing our options
(If I remember right it was cold outside), we decided this would be a good time
to pray, we needed help! Well, we
prayed. I knew the next car by would
stop. Not faith. Knowledge.
Just knew it. I think I told
Jami, but not 100% for certain that the next car by would stop. Anyway, we
prayed and as we were praying a truck went whizzing by about 55 mph rocking the
van, my heart just dropped. As we ended
our prayer and I looked up, there was a Cadillac backing up towards us. When it
passed, I have no idea, but it was a female trucker on her day off, smoking a
stogie, who was open to revelation from our Father in Heaven. And she gave us the much needed lift back
home. The Lord truly does watch after
his sparrows.
Jami’s Recollections:
I don’t remember it being cold, but I do remember it was
overcast (not sure if it was rainy or cold or just stinking early!). It was a Monday morning, and we were headed to Tremonton for some much
needed de-lice-ing supplies… so yes, Kammy was sick, sick of kids passing lice
back and forth, sick of combing through 3 wiggly little girls’ long hair with a
tiny comb, sick of endless (more than usual) piles of laundry, sick of bagging
up belongings… you get the idea.
I remember the van breaking down (seems like that was not
too unusual at this time). But we needed
help for sure! I did not want to hoof it
back home! Dad did not tell me he knew
the next car would stop until after the ordeal was over. The gal was very nice and offered to take us
all the way home, but weather was such that we just had her stop on the
interstate and drop us off next to the dirt road that led to the barn, we
hopped out, climbed the fence and walked back to the house… don’t remember what
we did, but somehow we got the supplies we needed and eventually got rid of the
crazy lice. And I did learn much about
the power of prayer through this experience and also how good people are. There are good people of every race and
religion and the Lord is able to work miracles through these good people. And I must have been about 11 or 12 Dad.
A funny little side story (at least I think so) from Jami:
Kristen and Jami
Haha... I remember during this whole lice ordeal mom asking if she could cut my hair. What was she crazy?!? No she couldn't cut my hair. So being the amazing mom she is, she patiently combed through my thick long hair with that insanely fine toothed comb day after day. Several weeks later Kristen and I were rolling bales in what felt like 200 degree weather, during the day we decided we would need to cut our hair if we were to continue our Summer employment. My mom was gone, so we called Diana to see if she would cut our hair for us. She agreed and the hair that went to my mid-back was cut to just below the chin. When I got home my mom was so upset with me. It's my hair!!! I always thought she was upset that I cut off my beautiful long hair, it wasn't until years later we were discussing it that I realized she was upset because she spent all that time saving my hair from the lice and then I showed my thanks by chopping it off. Oops! Sorry mom!